Жовківський замок

Dear colleagues, we invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of declaring the historical part of the city of Zhovkva State Historical and Architectural Reserve “Historical Cities: Protection, Conservation, Revitalisation” (14 June 2024, Zhovkva, Ukraine).
The work of the conference covers the following thematic areas:
1. “Ideal cities” as a Renaissance phenomenon in Europe.
2. Historical cities as art-architecture complexes.
3. Historical cities: management and development specifics.
4. The legal principles of preserving the architectural environment of historical cities:
Ukrainian and global experience.
5. Historical cities: conservation and revitalisation.
1. “Ideal cities” as a Renaissance phenomenon in Europe.
2. Historical cities as art-architecture complexes.
3. Historical cities: management and development specifics.
4. The legal principles of preserving the architectural environment of historical cities:
Ukrainian and global experience.
5. Historical cities: conservation and revitalisation.
Form of participation in the conference: in-person / remote.
Participation procedure:
By 15 April 2024, submit your application for participation in the conference by filling out the Google form: https://forms.gle4fFuhg1Y6aPU29XM8
By 1 June 2024, submit the text of your article to the e-mail address:
сonference@lvivartgallery.com .
By 15 April 2024, submit your application for participation in the conference by filling out the Google form: https://forms.gle4fFuhg1Y6aPU29XM8
By 1 June 2024, submit the text of your article to the e-mail address:
сonference@lvivartgallery.com .